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Miles Phillips
Miles Phillips

Energia Mediante Vapor, Aire o Gas: Un Libro de Texto Completo para Estudiantes y Profesionales de la Ingeniería Térmica y de Potencia

Energia Mediante Vapor Aire O Gas Severns: A Comprehensive Guide to Steam, Air, And Gas Power

If you are interested in learning the theory, practice, and machinery for producing energy by means of heat, you should definitely check out this book by W.H. Severns, H.E. Degler, J.C. Miles. The authors are experts in mechanical engineering who have extensive experience in teaching thermodynamics at the University of Illinois.

Energia Mediante Vapor Aire O Gas Severns.pdf

This book is a revised edition of the original work published in 1982 by Editorial Reverté. It covers a wide range of topics related to steam, air, gas power generation, such as thermodynamics principles, power plant types, steam properties, fuels, combustion, boilers, steam engines, turbines, condensers, pumps, compressors, gas turbines, internal combustion engines.

The book is designed for students who are taking basic courses in thermodynamics or power engineering. It is also useful for professionals who want to refresh their knowledge or update their skills in this field. The book provides clear explanations, practical examples, solved problems, tables, diagrams, charts that will help you understand the concepts better.

In this article, we will give you an overview of the main topics covered in the book. We hope that this will inspire you to read the book in full detail.

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics And Power Generation

The first chapter introduces some basic definitions And concepts Of thermodynamics that are essential for studying power generation. You will learn about:

  • System, boundary, surroundings

  • State variables (pressure, temperature, volume)

  • Process variables (work, heat)

  • First law Of thermodynamics (energy conservation)

  • Second law Of thermodynamics (entropy increase)

  • Carnot cycle And Carnot efficiency

  • Reversible And irreversible processes

The second chapter describes the different types And characteristics Of power plants that use heat to produce electricity or mechanical work. You will learn about:

  • Rankine cycle And its variations (simple cycle, reheat cycle, regenerative cycle)

  • Steam power plant layout And components (boiler, turbine generator condenser pump)

  • Coal-fired power plant (coal handling system pulverizer furnace ash handling system)

  • Nuclear power plant (nuclear reactor heat exchanger steam generator turbine generator condenser pump)

  • Combined cycle power plant (gas turbine generator heat recovery steam generator steam turbine generator)

  • Cogeneration And trigeneration systems (combined heat And power combined cooling heat And power)

The third chapter explains the principles Of energy conversion And efficiency that apply to any power plant. You will learn about:

  • Heat balance And energy balance equations

  • Heat rate And specific fuel consumption

  • Thermal efficiency And overall efficiency

  • Exergy analysis And exergy destruction

  • Pinch analysis And heat integration

Steam And Its Calorimetry

The fourth chapter deals with the properties And phases Of water And steam that are important for understanding steam power generation. You will learn about:

  • Saturation temperature And saturation pressure

  • Sensible heat latent heat superheat

  • Dry saturated steam wet saturated steam superheated steam

  • Steam tables And diagrams (Mollier diagram T-s diagram h-s diagram)

  • Enthalpy entropy quality Of steam

  • Throttling process saturation process superheating process

Fuels And Combustion

The fifth chapter covers the classification And composition Of fuels that are used for generating heat in boilers or engines. You will learn about:

  • Solid fuels (coal lignite peat biomass)

  • Liquid fuels (petroleum diesel gasoline kerosene ethanol biodiesel)

  • Gaseous fuels (natural gas propane butane biogas hydrogen syngas)

  • Fuel analysis (proximate analysis ultimate analysis heating value)

  • Combustion reactions And heat Of combustion

  • Stoichiometry And air-fuel ratio (theoretical air excess air deficiency air)

Steam Generators And Boilers

The sixth chapter describes the types And components Of steam generators And boilers that are used for producing high-pressure high-temperature steam from water. You will learn about:

  • Fire-tube boilers And water-tube boilers (shell boiler Lancashire boiler locomotive boiler Scotch marine boiler Babcock Wilcox boiler Benson boiler Lamont boiler Loeffler boiler Velox boiler)

  • Boiler design And operation (boiler drum downcomer riser evaporator superheater reheater economizer air preheater furnace burner grate stoker slag hopper blowdown valve safety valve pressure gauge water level indicator feedwater pump injector deaerator)

  • Boiler performance And efficiency (boiler capacity boiler rating boiler load factor boiler duty factor equivalent evaporation factor Of evaporation boiler efficiency direct method indirect method losses in boilers flue gas loss radiation loss blowdown loss unburnt fuel loss incomplete combustion loss sensible heat loss latent heat loss)

Auxiliary Equipment For Steam Boilers

The seventh chapter discusses the auxiliary equipment that are used for improving the quality And efficiency Of steam boilers. You will learn about:

  • Feedwater heaters And deaerators (open feedwater heater closed feedwater heater surface feedwater heater direct contact feedwater heater deaerator function deaerator types deaerator operation deaerator performance)

  • Superheaters And reheaters (superheater function superheater types superheater location superheater operation superheater performance and efficiency)

  • Reheaters (reheater function reheater types reheater location reheater operation reheater performance and efficiency)

  • Economizers and air preheaters (economizer function economizer types economizer location economizer operation economizer performance and efficiency air preheater function air preheater types air preheater location air preheater operation air preheater performance and efficiency)

Draft Production. Chimneys and Fans

The eighth chapter explains the definition and measurement of draft that is required for maintaining the flow of flue gases in boilers. You will learn about:

  • Draft (draft definition draft types natural draft induced draft forced draft balanced draft draft measurement draft gauge manometer)

  • Chimneys and fans (chimney function chimney types chimney design chimney height chimney diameter chimney losses chimney efficiency fan function fan types fan characteristics fan selection fan losses fan efficiency)

  • Draft calculations (draft balance equation draft requirement equation draft loss equation draft power equation)

Steam Engines, Reciprocating

The ninth chapter describes the principles and components of reciprocating steam engines that are used for converting steam energy into mechanical work. You will learn about:

  • Reciprocating steam engines (engine function engine types simple engine compound engine engine components cylinder piston connecting rod crank shaft valve gear flywheel governor condenser injector)

  • Indicator diagrams and work output (indicator diagram function indicator diagram shape indicator diagram analysis indicated work indicated power indicated thermal efficiency brake work brake power brake thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency)

  • Engine performance and efficiency (engine performance factors engine speed engine load engine size engine pressure engine expansion engine clearance engine condensation engine losses engine efficiency factors thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency volumetric efficiency relative efficiency)

Steam Turbines

The tenth chapter discusses the principles and components of steam turbines that are used for converting steam energy into mechanical work. You will learn about:

  • Steam turbines (turbine function turbine types impulse turbine reaction turbine turbine components nozzle blade rotor casing governor condenser)

  • Impulse and reaction turbines (impulse turbine principle impulse turbine velocity diagram impulse turbine work output impulse turbine blade angles impulse turbine losses impulse turbine efficiency reaction turbine principle reaction turbine velocity diagram reaction turbine work output reaction turbine blade angles reaction turbine losses reaction turbine efficiency)

  • Turbine performance and efficiency (turbine performance factors turbine speed turbine load turbine size turbine pressure turbine expansion turbine clearance turbine leakage turbine erosion turbine losses turbine efficiency factors thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency stage efficiency nozzle efficiency blade efficiency)

Steam Condensers and Accessories

The eleventh chapter explains the types and functions of steam condensers and accessories that are used for reducing the back pressure of steam turbines and improving their efficiency. You will learn about:

  • Steam condensers (condenser function condenser types surface condenser jet condenser condenser components shell tube water box air pump circulating pump cooling water cooling tower cooling pond cooling spray)

  • Vacuum and air leakage in condensers (vacuum definition vacuum measurement vacuum gauge barometer vacuum effect on turbine performance air leakage definition air leakage sources air leakage effects air leakage detection air leakage prevention air removal methods ejector pump eductor pump vacuum pump)

  • Condenser performance and efficiency (condenser performance factors condenser load condenser temperature condenser pressure condenser vacuum condenser capacity condenser heat transfer coefficient condenser effectiveness condenser losses condenser efficiency factors thermal efficiency heat rejection ratio heat transfer ratio)


The twelfth chapter describes the types and functions of pumps that are used for transferring fluids in power plants. You will learn about:

  • Pumps (pump function pump types positive displacement pump centrifugal pump axial flow pump mixed flow pump pump components casing impeller diffuser volute suction pipe delivery pipe foot valve strainer priming device)

  • Pump characteristics and selection (pump characteristic curves head curve discharge curve power curve efficiency curve specific speed curve net positive suction head curve cavitation phenomenon pump selection criteria head requirement discharge requirement power requirement efficiency requirement specific speed requirement net positive suction head requirement cavitation prevention)

  • Pump performance and efficiency (pump performance factors pump speed pump load pump size pump pressure pump flow pump head pump losses pump efficiency factors hydraulic efficiency volumetric efficiency mechanical efficiency)

Air and Gas Compression

The thirteenth chapter discusses the principles and processes of air and gas compression that are used for various industrial applications. You will learn about:

  • Air and gas compression (compression definition compression types isothermal compression adiabatic compression polytropic compression compression work compression power compression efficiency)

  • Types and components of compressors (compressor function compressor types positive displacement compressor centrifugal compressor axial flow compressor mixed flow compressor compressor components casing impeller diffuser volute suction pipe delivery pipe valve cooler intercooler aftercooler lubricator filter regulator)

  • Compressor performance and efficiency (compressor performance factors compressor speed compressor load compressor size compressor pressure compressor flow compressor head compressor losses compressor efficiency factors hydraulic efficiency volumetric efficiency mechanical efficiency isentropic efficiency polytropic efficiency)

Gas Turbines

The fourteenth chapter explains the principles and components of gas turbines that are used for converting gas energy into mechanical work. You will learn about:

  • Gas turbines (turbine function turbine types open cycle gas turbine closed cycle gas turbine turbine components compressor combustor turbine generator intercooler regenerator recuperator)

  • Brayton cycle and its variations (Brayton cycle principle Brayton cycle processes Brayton cycle diagram Brayton cycle work output Brayton cycle thermal efficiency Brayton cycle variations simple cycle reheat cycle intercooling cycle regeneration cycle)

  • Gas turbine performance and efficiency (gas turbine performance factors gas turbine speed gas turbine load gas turbine size gas turbine pressure gas turbine temperature gas turbine expansion gas turbine losses gas turbine efficiency factors thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency stage efficiency nozzle efficiency blade efficiency)

Internal Combustion Engines

The fifteenth chapter describes the principles and components of internal combustion engines that are used for converting fuel energy into mechanical work. You will learn about:

  • Internal combustion engines (engine function engine types spark ignition engine compression ignition engine engine components cylinder piston connecting rod crank shaft valve cam shaft spark plug fuel injector carburetor fuel pump air filter exhaust manifold muffler radiator fan oil pump oil filter flywheel governor alternator starter battery)

  • Otto, Diesel, Dual, Atkinson cycles (Otto cycle principle Otto cycle processes Otto cycle diagram Otto cycle work output Otto cycle thermal efficiency Diesel cycle principle Diesel cycle processes Diesel cycle diagram Diesel cycle work output Diesel cycle thermal efficiency Dual cycle principle Dual cycle processes Dual cycle diagram Dual cycle work output Dual cycle thermal efficiency Atkinson cycle principle Atkinson cycle processes Atkinson cycle diagram Atkinson cycle work output Atkinson cycle thermal efficiency)

  • Engine performance, efficiency, emissions (engine performance factors engine speed engine load engine size engine compression ratio engine air-fuel ratio engine ignition timing engine valve timing engine losses engine efficiency factors thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency volumetric efficiency relative efficiency engine emissions factors carbon monoxide carbon dioxide hydrocarbons nitrogen oxides particulate matter engine emission control methods catalytic converter exhaust gas recirculation selective catalytic reduction diesel particulate filter)


In this article, we have given you a brief overview of the book "Energia Mediante Vapor Aire O Gas Severns" by W.H. Severns, H.E. Degler, J.C. Miles. This book is a comprehensive guide to steam, air and gas power that covers a wide range of topics related to thermodynamics and power engineering. We hope that this article has sparked your interest in reading the book in full detail.

By reading this book, you will be able to learn the theory, practice, and machinery for producing energy by means of heat. You will also be able to understand the design, operation, performance, and efficiency of various power plants and equipment. This book will help you to gain a solid foundation in thermodynamics and power engineering that will be useful for your studies or career.

If you want to learn more about this book or other related topics, we recommend you to check out the following resources:

  • Energia Mediante Vapor Aire O Gas Severns - PDF Document

  • La Producción de Energía Mediante el Vapor Aire o Gas Severns - PDF Document

  • Steam Power Plants - Mitsubishi Power - PDF Document

  • Compression and Expansion of Gases - The Engineering Toolbox - Web Page

  • Gas compressors - Atlas Copco USA - Web Page

  • Steam Power Plant Layout & Working Principle - YouTube Video


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